Lena Taylor for Milwaukee County Executive
2008 Jan. 22
Voice of the People
The Capital Times
PO Box 8060
Madison WI 53708-8060
Overstuffed on the Feb. 19 presidential primary? Look ahead a bit to our regular non-partisan spring election on April 1. It features an important contest that most folx here in the capital region are oblivious to, even tho they shouldn’t be.
It’s the race for Milwaukee County executive. Over the last decades, counties (and regionalism generally) have become more important players in our lives, in areas like transportation, parks, environmental protection, criminal justice, and social services.
Think for a moment of the terrific job that Kathleen Falk has done as Dane County executive. Now slap a minus sign in front of that performance, and you’ve got some idea of the tragedy that’s befallen our state’s flagship county, Milwaukee, under the ironically titled “leadership” of Scott Walker.
The Walker Administration is an embarrassment to the entire state. Thru a combination of political ideology, cronyism, and fiscal incompetence, it’s spent the last 4 years running the county into the ground. It’s been reduced to selling off the county’s assets — the accumulation of decades — at fire-sale prices to maintain the outward appearance of solvency.
Frankly, the beleaguered citizens of Milwaukee County would be better served if the position remained vacant for the next 4 years.
Fortunately, there’s a much better alternative, a progressive politician with solid roots in the community: Lena C. Taylor, a bright, competent, principled hard worker in the mold of hyperdynamo US Representative Gwen Moore (Lena’s predecessor as state senator). She could use your help at lena2008.com.
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Richard S. Russell, a Bright (http://the-brights.net)
2642 Kendall Av. #2, Madison WI 53705-3736
608+233-5640 • RichardSRussell@uwalumni.com
Voice of the People
The Capital Times
PO Box 8060
Madison WI 53708-8060
Overstuffed on the Feb. 19 presidential primary? Look ahead a bit to our regular non-partisan spring election on April 1. It features an important contest that most folx here in the capital region are oblivious to, even tho they shouldn’t be.
It’s the race for Milwaukee County executive. Over the last decades, counties (and regionalism generally) have become more important players in our lives, in areas like transportation, parks, environmental protection, criminal justice, and social services.
Think for a moment of the terrific job that Kathleen Falk has done as Dane County executive. Now slap a minus sign in front of that performance, and you’ve got some idea of the tragedy that’s befallen our state’s flagship county, Milwaukee, under the ironically titled “leadership” of Scott Walker.
The Walker Administration is an embarrassment to the entire state. Thru a combination of political ideology, cronyism, and fiscal incompetence, it’s spent the last 4 years running the county into the ground. It’s been reduced to selling off the county’s assets — the accumulation of decades — at fire-sale prices to maintain the outward appearance of solvency.
Frankly, the beleaguered citizens of Milwaukee County would be better served if the position remained vacant for the next 4 years.
Fortunately, there’s a much better alternative, a progressive politician with solid roots in the community: Lena C. Taylor, a bright, competent, principled hard worker in the mold of hyperdynamo US Representative Gwen Moore (Lena’s predecessor as state senator). She could use your help at lena2008.com.
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Richard S. Russell, a Bright (http://the-brights.net)
2642 Kendall Av. #2, Madison WI 53705-3736
608+233-5640 • RichardSRussell@uwalumni.com
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